Appreciation & Recognition Gift Meal Plan
The CatCard office is pleased to announce Appreciation & Recognition Gift Meal Plan. It is a new plan that provides a convenient and easy to manage the process in awarding UCM employees and non-employee for a job well-done or just to show appreciation or for their participation. Using your CatCard ID or MobileID, the meal plan is configured to have a minimum of $0 and a maximum of $75.00 balance and accepted at dining POS locations (Lantern Café, YWDC, and Pavilion) on campus. The plan is taxable and non-refundable.
Eligibility and Requirements
For gifts to employees (Employee Recognition awards):
- An employee should not receive 3 employee recognition awards in a calendar year.
- They should also be provided within an established recognition program and based on objective criteria.
- The current per-person limit for this plan is $75.00 per year.
- State funds may be used for employee recognition.
For gifts to non-employees (appreciation gifts, incentives):
- The current per-person limit for Appreciation, Recognition, or Incentives is $599 for non-employee.
- For a gift of appreciation (i.e. thanking the students for showing their rooms), State funds may NOT be used.
- For incentives or prizes, Federal or State funds may NOT be used.
Reference: UCOP Policy (Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts ) G-41 for gifts to employees and (Gifts Presented to NonEmployees on Behalf of the University) G-42 for gifts to nonemployees because the limit amounts and rules can change.
The department or organization can send an email request to the CatCard office ( for an Appreciation or Recognition award/gift. The request should include all the following information to process the request:
- Date of Award/Gift
- Recipient Full Name(s), and Employee/Student ID(s)
- Department/Organization or Affiliation (if not a student)
- Gift/Award Type
- Amount Award for each recipient(s)
- Event Name
- Contact Person or Requester
- Department CoA (account for recharge of the total amount)
- Justification
The CatCard office verifies the completed form and credits the patron account(s) with the amount award requested on Appreciation & Recognition Gift Meal Plan. The CatCard office will provide the complete recharge form to Accounting, using the CoA provided by the requester, and notify the department or organization or requester and Dining Services upon completion of the Appreciation & Recognition Gift Meal Plan request. External payment (credit card, cash, or check) is not accepted or supported at this time.
Please extend our thanks and appreciation to the award recipients for a job well done, and the convenience of using CatCard to dine at the Lantern Café, Yablokoff-Wallace, and Pavilion Dining Centers.