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Unlimited CatTracks bus rides with CatCard
Ride For Free
Your CatCard is your pass to unlimited CatTracks bus rides to destinations around Merced.
CatCard MobileID
Go Mobile!
Instead of carrying around your CatCard, use your phone to pay for meals and other services at select locations.
Dining, Bus, Gym, Library, Housing, Athletics - CatCard helps you navigate seamlessly around campus
Your Key to Campus
Your CatCard serves as your official identification card and helps you move seamlessly through daily life on campus.
Dining Made Easier
Access your meal plan or use your CatCard as a debit card at campus dining facilities with just a scan.

Thank you for visiting CatCard. Students, faculty and staff receive their first CatCard at no charge. Please follow the quick links below.

  • The CatCard office has moved to South Campus, Granite Pass #171 (map)
  • New Students and Employees, follow this link: info
  • CatCard MobileID available at: info
  • Appreciation & Recognition Gift Meal Plan: info
  • Alynx Virtual Assistant info
Subscribe to CatCard Services RSS


Quick Links:

GET DCID - CatCard in Your Mobile Wallet

DEACTIVATE Lost or Stolen CatCard ID

DEPOSIT funds into Cat Dollars

CHECK balance and transactions on Cat Dollars and Meal Plans


REQUEST for CatDollars Refund


Alnyx Virtual Assistant


CatCard Office

South Campus, Granite Pass Rm. #171 (directions)
P:  (209) 500-6464

Office Hours:

Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed noon - 1 pm for lunch)

Closed Sat, Sun, and Holiday

The CatCard office will be closed on the following dates for summer student orientation 2024:

  • Wednesday, July 10th
  • Saturday, July 13th
  • Tuesday, July 16th
  • Thursday, July 18th
  • Saturday, July 20th
  •  Wednesday, July 24th
  • Friday, July 26th
  • Monday, July 29th
  • Wednesday, July 31st