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Bits'n'Bites Terms and Conditions


Bits'n'Bites app

CatCard’s Bits'n'Bites app provides and supports UC Merced departments and clubs the ability to post any excess food and other items, that can be shared, not thrown away, using a smart device via MobileID to post into Twitter.
When there is ample amount (enough to feed approximately 15+ people) of untouched excess food at the end of an event. Students and organizations can utilize Bits’n’Bites app to send out notifications to the students, staff, or the campus community.  


Bits'n'Bites Terms and Conditions


For UCM Student Organizations

UCM Student Procedure for Bits‘n’Bites App (Once a student organization wants to open an event to the public the following agreement terms must be followed).

UCM Student Organizations Agreement (student organization, clubs, org, fraternity, and sorority)

To participate as a food provider through the UCM Bits’n’Bites app, you must agree to the following:

  • To protect fellow students from consuming spoiled or tainted food, our club/organization will knowingly only provide unspoiled, previously unserved, or otherwise unadulterated food as outlined in the California Retail Food Code and the California Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.
  • Our club/organization will utilize UCM Bits’n’Bites app to send out notifications for only non-PHF food items. 
  • If the event also includes catering staffing to be on-site and serving food, our club/organization members will monitor the food at all times to prevent any instances of contamination by guests, weather events, or other external factors, and take appropriate action (discard food {food must be composted in order to comply with campus policies}, notify supervisor, etc.) in the event of potential contamination. 
  • As food allergy reactions can be a serious issue health concern, our club/organization will take reasonable steps to identify the food allergen content in the meal before we make any disclosure to the client or students.
  • Our club/organization will discard all perishable (Potentially Hazardous Food, or PHF) foods that have been out of temperature control and/or exposed to the elements/consumers at the scheduled end of the event.

Client Agreement

  • I have the authority to participate in the UCM Bits’n’Bites app program on behalf of my group and/or have obtained the necessary permission from my club/organization chair/vice-chair.
  • I will allow any individual registered with the UCM Bits’n’Bites app to attend my event to consume the food on-site. 
  • To send out alerts to students through UCM Bits’n’Bites app you will need internet access, and your identity will be authenticated through myUCM.

UCM Bits’n’Bites App User Agreement

  • I will attend the event to consume the food that is made available to me on-site.
  • I will not collect the food for resale or widely redistribute the food.
  • I will hold the client, caterer, and UCM harmless for any incidences of foodborne illness that may arise should I take the food away from the catered location.

Required Information before a notification is sent out: 

Location – provide a specific location where food may be picked up. 

For example: SSB, SSM OR California Room  

Cutoff Time – time after which the food will no longer be available (must be within 30 minutes after your event); be specific (i.e., 7:30 p.m.) 

**To avoid food spoilage and to comply with EH&S food safety requirements, the cutoff time must be within 30 minutes after your event. No food must be distributed if the event is more than 4 hours long

Brief Description of available food – e.g., pizza, burritos, etc. 
 Example of notifications: 

SSB: Burritos (meat & VEG) @ Conference Center until 7 p.m.

California Room: Bagels @ Student Services, Rm 1300 until 10:30 a.m. 


Table 1-Classification of Non-Perishable Foods


Bakery Products

Cakes, pies, and cookies.

Dehydrated Food Products

Jerky, dried fruits, jams/jellies, trail mixes etc.

Raw Fruit and Vegetables

Most raw fruits and vegetables see exceptions in Table 2.

Non-Dairy Products

Non-dairy creamers.

Snack Foods

Chips, raw or dehydrated fruits/vegetables and candies, pizza being served at a meeting.


Table 2-Classification of Perishable Foods


Meat and Poultry Products

Beef, pork, lamb, mutton, veal, venison, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, pigeon etc. Pizza is served at a fundraising event.

Animal Based Byproducts

Gravies/ soups/ broth made from ANIMAL stock or containing ANIMAL products.

Fish/Seafood Products

All types of fresh or saltwater finfish, mollusks (squid, octopus etc.), crustaceans (crab etc) and shellfish (mussels, clams, oysters etc.)

Egg Products

From any animal that produces eggs for human consumption:

e.g. chicken, duck or goose.

Milk and Egg Based Byproducts

Foods that contain milk products or egg products. Includes dry (powdered) egg concentrates (e.g. eggbeaters) AFTER water is added to the product and such items as custards, cheesecake etc.

Soy Products

Tofu and other soy products (soy milk etc.).

Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Raw seed sprouts (bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts etc.), cut melons.

COOKED Legumes, Grains and Vegetables

Beans, rice, pasta and other cereal grains; most vegetables, especially BAKED POTATOES, since they become perishable AFTER they are cooked.



For UCM Catering and Dining Services

UCM Catering (Once a staff member selects this option the following agreement terms must be followed). 

Caterer Agreement (UCM Catering, Dining Services Catering, etc.)

  • To participate as a food provider through the UCM Bits’n’Bites app, you must agree to the following:
  • To protect students, clients, and staff from consuming spoiled or tainted food, our organization will knowingly only provide unspoiled, previously unserved, or otherwise unadulterated food as outlined in the California Retail Food Code and the California Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.
  • If the event also includes catering staffing to be on-site and serving food, our staff will monitor the food at all times to prevent any instances of contamination by guests, weather events, or other external factors, and take appropriate action (discard food {food must be composted in order to comply with campus policies}, notify supervisor, etc.) in the event of potential contamination. 
  • As food allergy reactions can be a serious issue health concern, our department will take reasonable steps to identify the food allergen content in the meal before we make any disclosure to the client or students.
  • Our department will discard all perishable (Potentially Hazardous Food, or PHF) foods that have been out of temperature control and/or exposed to the elements/consumers at the scheduled end of the event

Client Agreement

  • I have the authority to participate in the UCM Bits’n’Bites app program on behalf of my group or department and/or have obtained the necessary permission from my supervisor.
  • I will allow any individual registered with the UCM Bits’n’Bites app to attend my event to consume the food on-site 
  • To send out alerts to students through UCM Bits’n’Bites app you will need internet access, and your identity will be authenticated through myUCM.

UCM Bits’n’Bites App User Agreement

  • I will attend the event to consume the food that is made available to me on-site.
  • I will not collect the food for resale or widely redistribute the food.
  • I will hold the client, caterer, and UCM harmless for any incidences of foodborne illness that may arise should I take the food away from the catered location.